

IPSC, which can be best described as sporting motion shooting in various long and short gun disciplines, is carried out worldwide by the International Practical Shooting Confederation  in more than 85 countries.
This rapid and fascinating form of sport requires an outstandingly high safety awareness in the handling of the weapon, as the shooter moves around in a room with a loaded weapon and shoots according to a given course setup.
Since its foundation in the mid-seventies, IPSC has – and not just due to the high qualification standards – an immaculate safety record.
Worldwide in thousands of national, regional and international competitions, there has never been a case of death.IPSC is recognized as a sport in more than 85 countries of the world (so-called regions) (also in Germany it was examined and approved by the Federal Administrative Court in long-drawn-out and careful proceedings), partially within the framework of the Olympic shooting sport associations and often also with direct support of the respective government.