RWS Evolution
Convincing Penetration
The performance advantage of the Evolution® is especially noticeable on bone hits, primarily on heavier game. Whereas classic semi-jacketed bullets fragment upon impact on heavy bones and retain less energy for penetration and exit wounds, the Evolution® bullet remains, for the most part, intact. Via the special Power Bonding of the lead core to the gilding metal jacket, it achieves retained weights of nearly 100% and ensures a high probability of an exit wound with minimal meat damage. Thanks to its aerodynamic profile and ballistic calotte, the Evolution® bullet stands out with good inherent accuracy. It has a flat trajectory and consistently high impact energy, even at long ranges.
Available calibers: .270 Win. I 7mm Rem. Mag. I 7 x 64 I 7 x 65 R I .308 Win. I .30-06 I .30 R Blaser I .300 Win. Mag. I .300 WSM I 8 x 57 JS I 8 x 57 JRS I 8 x 68 S I 9,3 x 62 I 9,3 x 74 R