RWS ID Classic
For Light Game
The basic premise behind the ID Classic is the ideal combination of expansion and penetration in the target. This is achieved by using a peg joint to unite two cores of differing hardness. The soft front core fragments in a controlled manner, delivering its energy quickly into the animal. The rear core of the ID Classic mushrooms more starkly than that of the UNI Classic, thus making it especially suitable for light- to medium-weight hoofed game.
The nickel-plated mild steel jacket protects the barrel and gets progressively thicker towards the rear to assure controlled expansion. The torpedo-shaped boattail ensures stability in flight.
Available calibers: 7 x 57 I 7 x 57 R I 7mm Rem. Mag. I 7 x 64 (10,5g) I 7 x 64 (11,5g) I 7 x 65 R I .308 Win. I .30-06 I 8 x 57 JS I 8 x 57 JRS