Communal duck shoots are great hunting opportunities that promise passionate waterfowl hunters a challenging test of their shotgun wizardry and a wonderful time out in the fresh air. The unmistakeable sound of their wings beating is enough to raise the hairs on the back of your neck. And nothing could please a hunter more than the dogs picking up a good number of broadbills at the end of the shoot.
But that takes some preparation. Every hunter needs to be familiar with the duck hunting grounds, for instance the spots where the waterfowl tend to rest or feed. In which directions do they generally fly? Where are there tall reeds or similar cover to offer a natural hiding place? Good to know: ducks always approach the pond or river with the wind, before turning and landing against the wind. Baiting the ducks regularly with food before the hunting season begins can also increase the chances of success. But it is imperative to comply with the state hunting and nature conservation regulations here. It goes without saying that useful dogs with good retrieving skills should be taken along when hunting waterfowl.
When it comes to the gear itself, hunters should focus primarily on selecting suitable ammunition for humane hunting. For wetlands, lead-free shot is already compulsory in most states. Always fire a test shot to check the shot pattern of the sheaf before changing from lead to steel or another alternative. Tip: open the choke (e.g. from ½ to ¼).